Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) is an open-world action-adventure game set in the sprawling fictional city of Los Santos, which closely resembles Los Angeles. The game follows three distinct protagonists—Michael, a retired bank robber; Franklin, a young street hustler; and Trevor, a volatile former military pilot—as they navigate a series of high-stakes heists, conflicts, and betrayals. Players can freely switch between the three characters, each with unique abilities and storylines that intertwine. The game offers an immersive experience with detailed urban and rural landscapes, a dynamic weather system, and a vast array of activities beyond the main story, including sports, racing, and property management. With realistic graphics, lifelike AI, and a rich soundtrack, GTA V is celebrated for its narrative depth and humor, alongside its robust online multiplayer mode, GTA Online, which adds endless opportunities for collaboration and competition with other players worldwide.